6 ways to get office politics right
When you hear the words power and office politics do you shudder and say "ewwwww"? Lots of people do. That's both unfortunate and sad. These words have picked up negative connotations because of the actions of self-centered workplace schmoozers interested only in...
How to close the “say/do” gap
Betsy was credibly confused. She wanted to give her boss, Florence, the benefit of the doubt, but it was so hard to do! In nearly every monthly staff meeting as well as in their infrequent one-on-one sessions, Florence had assured everyone on the team that she valued...
7 ways to become more self-aware
Do you aspire to be the kind of leader who uses their head to manage and their heart to lead? If so, getting your interactions with others right depends on several things. First, you have to get yourself right. You have to be self-aware. Getting yourself right is...
Which one will you feed?
Wondering which life path you should feed? Some simple wisdom from The Impeccable Warrior of Light, p16, by Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song to start your week. Enjoy! An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He...
A lesson in being humble
My reaction to the request was immediate, visceral and not pleasant. Why on earth would the workshop facilitator ask the group to split up by gender? This wasn't fourth grade phys ed where sex and strength would play a role. My paradigm: leadership knows no gender...
10 ways for women to be strategic in building their careers
What do we mean by being strategic? I believe there are three different kinds of women leaders when it comes to managing their career progression and their life at the office in general: 1) the expressives 2) the conventionals, and 3) the strategic. The expressive...